First stop was House of Fraser and I knew I wanted to try the Bobbi Brown Correcting Concealer and I was met
by the loveliest and kindest assistant. She sat me down and made me feel welcome and proceeded to give me a make up lesson which I was please with. She matched me up foundation wise and even including me in choosing the right foundation shade. Once she had done one side of my make up I was so impressed with it she offered to re do my whole face, which I jumped at the opportunity of. Normally at make up counters especially Mac counters I don't exactly feel I'm the most welcome, as if they think you have no idea about make up, which once again happened at Mac later on.
But once my lesson was finished, she wrote down all of the products she had used and I proceeded to purchase the Correcting Concealer I wanted but also the Hydrating Gel Cream and for some reason the creamy Concealer too. Stupid of
me not to actually ask her why I needed both but I'm currently trying to work that out.
Then I headed to Selfridges to the Mac counter where I asked about one of the new collection containing a lip stick called 'Flamingo' which was featured in MissGlamouros, Fluerdeforce, and Amerxie, videos to have two of the make up artists there not treat me with the kindest of tones. Now thinking the collection must be for America excessively or limited
freestanding stalls knowing it's on the UK website, I couldn't help but get a feeling of being looked down upon.

I then headed to the eye shadow looking for Naked Lunch and came across Sketch. Sadly they only had Naked Lunc
h in so I purchased that and headed to the Mac shop on my last stop and and the kindest lady help me there. I picked up Sketch and a pro palette.
When I got home I had a parcel for me full of Nars, I had the staple bronzed in Laguna and a blush in Angelika. Both absolutely beautiful which I am wearing today.
After a long and happy day of shopping I vowed to no more spending for at least three years which won't last a week.
Today I received another Mac packaged which was excellent delivery. I received another pro palette and three eye shadows in All That Glitters, Woodwinked, and Satin Taupe. Also a Fluidline in Blacktrack, which I have ordered a Louise Young eyeliner brush for.
Also I thought I'd throw in some ransoms that I brought too. While in Selfridges I headed to the food hall and brought a 450gm of Hello Panda which are so so good! I really want to try the pink ones and the Koala March ones as I'm oppressed with Koalas.
Then I went to their Paperchase section and purchase a well needed pencil case which I don't have and desperately need for uni and I'm absolutely happy with this purchase, it's so so cute!
Then I went to their Paperchase section and purchase a well needed pencil case which I don't have and desperately need for uni and I'm absolutely happy with this purchase, it's so so cute!